This picture represents an angel holding Brie

This picture represents an angel holding Brie
the focus is the angel holding Brie and the background is PJ and I waiting on Isabel

Thursday, June 26, 2008

It's summer!

Yeah, it's summer! My first semester at White Knoll wrapped up on June 6th, and I have really been enjoying wasting away the afternoons at the pool at PJ's apartment. I have been keeping busy the last two weeks taking yet more classes at Clemson University. Right now, I'm actually in class (pretending to pay attention of course) and getting so excited about coming home tomorrow. PJ and I are leaving Saturday morning to spend a week in VA Beach, Va with the entire Hackett family! I'm really excited, too. I havent' taken a vacation like this in years! As soon as we get back after the 4th, the month stays pretty busy with Landon Simmons' 1 year birthday party and my bridal showers! Plus, my brother Tim and his wife Melanie are expecting a baby girl, Abigail Elizabeth on September 26th, so my sisters and I are putting a baby shower together for her at the end of July. So I guess the summer is pretty laid back but full of traveling and showering!

The closer it gets to the wedding ithe more excited I get...and the more anxiety dreams I have. Everybody told me that the planning was going to be frustrating, etc. but I have to admit I've loved it! All of our vendors are booked, the invitations are in and my dress should be here anyday, and the girls' dresses are ordered so I feel like we're in terrific shape. We've basically transformed the guest room at my parents' house into the official Wedding Room. So, we're at 4 months and counting, so I guess time will tell if I start stressing out or not.

So, things are great on this front. I'll keep you posted.


Marcy said...

Yay! A new post! I have been wondering about you. I guess I could have just emailed or called or facebooked you! Anyway...I was just looking at my webstat and wondering who at Clemson was looking at my blog! Isn't that weird that reading your blog answered my question! I am really glad that you have been enjoying the wedding planning!

Andysbethy said...

I thought I already left a comment, but I don't see it, so I guess I didn't. Sounds like you are having fun and getting LOTS done! Enjoy the planning of the wedding, because the actual wedding day goes by really fast!