Happy New Year! PJ and I drove to Charleston, SC on New Year's Eve to celebrate with our friends Joel and Nicki. We had such a fun time, and I was even able to see the beach on New Year's Day...even though it was cold and extremely windy! I'm excited about 2008. Baby Joseph will be born in late February, and we're both getting excited for Brandi and Jason. We've also started to look at rings which is incredibly exciting. I waited a long time for the right guy, and it actually felt so surreal to be looking and trying on engagement rings!! Things are exciting; that's for sure. I'll keep y'all posted!
Sarah, how is your new job?
Congratulations Sarah!
I am so happy for you that you graduated [even if it was from Alabama :)] and that you are happy with PJ and beginning to look at rings! I just got Bethany's update and saw your link on her page so I thought I would say Hi! It is extremely surreal to read what everyone is up to and that Bethany and Arien have kids already. Did Shorter really happen or was it all a dream? I think back to everything and can't believe that we lived that life, you know? Please tell anyone you see Hi for me and if you are ever interested in sunning it up in south florida, let me know!
Keep me updated on how you like teaching again as well as South Carolina.
Talk soon
Tag! You're it! I tagged you on my blog. Check it out and let me know if/when you do it so I can check it out.
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