The wedding countdown has begun...46 days! Yikes! So many things have happened since my last blog, but unfortunately I'm in a hurry tonight so I really don't have time for details, so I'll keep this relatively brief: I finished my course at Clemson University shortly after posting my last blog and actually vowed never to return to Clemson after that. The last night I was there, someone with access to my dorm room (ie: housing staff or janitorial staff) helped themselves into my dorm room and stole my laptop...yup, my graduation present from my parents and my first good computer in years...stolen. So, that put a lovely damper on my summer needless to say. I found a lawyer to try to press charges against the university, but to no avail. It turns out that in the state of SC you can't sue the government which includes state universities. As my lawyer explained it to me, bottom line at any major university all custodial staff who have keys to dorm rooms can at any time walk off with all of your stuff and there's not a *** thing you can do about it until you actually see them do it. Go is so unfair.
Unfortunately since it was my personal laptop, it had tons of wedding stuff on it from all the addresses to the programs, etc. So I spent the rest of the summer rebuilding all that I had already done..major bummer let me tell you.
Right now, however, school is in full swing and wedding plans are in full swing. We're at the point now where the details that we thought were good are starting to snag a little. For example, my sister Beth is my matron of honor and just found out she's 6 weeks pregnant! Great news...except her bridesmaid dress no longer fits...ah!!! We did manage to reorder a different dress, so that worked only took about 3 glasses of wine for me to finally relax about the whole thing...and we're all still praying the new dress will be here on time!!!
Also, we hit some snags with the shoes. The girls (there are nine girls btw) all have a different dress and different shoes but they're all in champagne. Well, go figure the shoes have all been dyed different versions of champagne....oh for crying out loud!!!
So, we managed to sort of put that fire out....and decided that maybe the shoes won't be that noticeable after all.
In good news, I got my bridal portraits shot last weekend and had a blast! I felt like a celebrity with my hair and makeup done! So not everything about the wedding is stressful. :)
Hope all is well with everyone else.